Saving the World from Terrorist Breastfeeding Toddlers [UPDATED]

An Atlanta, Georgia suburb is fighting one of the most pressing causes of our era — children who breastfeed past twenty-four months. Because breastfeeding after the age of two will damage human society beyond repair:

On Monday night, Forest Park passed a public indecency ordinance to prevent public nudity. Previously, the city only had a public indecency ordinance that covered adult entertainment businesses.

 According to the law, no woman can breast feed anyone older than 2 years old in public. City manager John Parker called the law a proactive step.

 “It sets up a process whereby we can try to control nudity throughout the entire city,” Parker said.

There was, in response, a public nurse-in ridiculing of the notion of breastfeeding posing a clear and present danger to societal values, and a response to the nurse-in predictably filled with comments from various yobs and jackasses. What I’m not getting, though, is the conflation of breastfeeding (regardless of the age of the child) and public indecency. Or stigmatizing  a practice which is healthy and beneficial for both child and mother, and for 99.9999% of human history was the normal means of providing nutrition for infants and young children and continues to be for the vast majority of the world. Oh, but there’s this bit of enlightenment:

Do you think he — or the Forest Park City Council — knows what projection means?

UPDATE: I was gulled (blush), as Jenn points in the comments, by a hoax. “Citizens Against Breastfeeding,” portrayed in the Youtube clip, as points out, is a prank. Such are the times when even an outrageously obvious hoax is believable — and yes, the point still stands.

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  1. #1 by Jenn Jilks on Tuesday 24 May 2011 - 1143

    How on earth can the woman in the video keep a straight face for so long?! I think the dude is afraid of erotica… You sure find the gems!

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