A Nasty, Medically Unnecessary, Coercive Procedure

This is just grostesque:

A Republican supermajority has muscled two of the most restrictive anti-abortion bills in years through the Virginia House, despite bitter yet futile objections from Democrats, with one GOP delegate deriding most of the procedures as “matters of lifestyle convenience.”

You want to put what where?


And the ultrasound legislation would constitute an unprecedented government mandate to insert vaginal ultrasonic probes into women as part of a state-ordered effort to dissuade them from terminating pregnancies, legislative opponents noted.

“We’re talking about inside a woman’s body,” Del. Charnielle Herring said in an emotional floor speech. “This is the first time, if we pass this bill, that we will be dictating a medical procedure to a physician.”

The conservative Family Foundation hailed the ultrasound measure as an “update” to the state’s existing informed consent laws “with the most advanced medical technology available.”

The Oklahoma legislature passed a similar law a couple of years ago. Full disclosure, in case you didn’t know it: I dislike abortion, but I’m strongly pro-choice. Even if you are strongly against abortion on moral or religious grounds, I would like to know how a medically unnecessary, coercive, invasive procedure can be ethically justified in order for a patient to receive health care? (I think we can safely dismiss the Family Foundation’s reasoning as spin.) And if the patient is a 13-year-old rape victim, how is this not despicable and evil?

Another question I would like to ask: if you’re a health care professional, would you excuse yourself from participating or facilitating in enforcing this law?

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  1. #1 by fer hill on Friday 17 February 2012 - 1120

    At our place, we raise the issue of healthcare providers’ conscience rights too. Also, you might want to replace the photo you’ve got here with the one we found. ;-)

  2. #2 by Jenn Jilks on Friday 17 February 2012 - 1136

    Glad to be living in Canada. I just hope the Tea Party doesn’t influence Harpy!

  3. #3 by L on Friday 17 February 2012 - 1713

    I must have missed your earlier post about TV scans. In my opinion they really aren’t that bad. I’ve had 3 and seen 100s when chaperoning the person doing the scanning. The majority of women tolerate them well. A recent rape victim – I couldn’t say but like many procedures acceptance depends on how it is described and the kindness of the operator.

    As for comparing a TV scan to rape, to me this is patent nonsense. I’ve tried both and they just don’t compare.

  4. #4 by beth boynton, rn, ms on Friday 17 February 2012 - 2109

    Ugh!!! Gross to even think about and ultimately very oppressive!

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