You Want a Side of Plavix with That?

Doughnut burger: a bacon cheeseburger served i...

Now that's good eatin'. Image via Wikipedia

Now arriving at the Canadian National Exhibition — wait for it — the doughnut cheeseburger*:

The Doughnut Burger made its debut at the Calgary Stampede, where brave revellers downed the sweet and salty snack, despite its high calorie count.

Now the hefty bacon cheeseburger with two maple-glazed doughnuts for buns will be featured at the CNE in Toronto.

The heart-stopping treat packs a walloping 1,500 calories and is sure to draw at least a few curious consumers.

The maple glazed doughnuts are a nice Canadian touch, eh?

Just for comparison, Micky D’s Big Mac (my guilty little secret) packs 704 calories, and a Harvey’s cheeseburger (Harvey’s is a Canadian burger chain) is a “mere” 460.

Can anyone explain the appeal of these? Is anyone actually tempted? I mean, if I’m going to consume empty calories, I think I would save them for something good.


*Rather like the Lady’s Brunch Burger, sans egg.

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  1. #1 by evilscientist on Tuesday 09 August 2011 - 1258

    I heard about these during stampede and the thought that came to mind was “do they come with a complimentary AED?”

  2. #2 by Sean on Tuesday 09 August 2011 - 1759

    Wholly heart attack batman! I felt the chest tightness as I was reading this one. Geesh.
    Can you say : job security?

  3. #3 by appalbarry (@appalbarry) on Wednesday 10 August 2011 - 1041

    I’ll admit to being really tempted by things like this. There’s no way I’d eat this crap daily, or even monthly, but, like many things, can’t see the harm in indulging a couple of times a year.

    Never did get a KFC double Down though…

  4. #4 by DOEcomic on Thursday 11 August 2011 - 1000

    Isn’t 1500 calories almost a daily serving? My dark side thinks, “Job security.”

  5. #5 by TheNerdyNurse on Saturday 13 August 2011 - 1809

    yep… and we wonder why people won’t take their medicine? Too deep in their diabetic comas after all this.

  6. #6 by hemp on Monday 15 August 2011 - 1245

    And they appear to have succeeded..The ballpark sandwich will include a hamburger topped with sharp cheddar cheese and two slices of bacon — all between a bun made of a sliced Krispy Kreme Original Glazed doughnut..If you can find a loop hole in your cardiologists advice calorie counters predict the monster will set you back about 1 000 calories and 45 grams of fat.. We have had the opportunity to bring in a new concession item for the past two seasons and each of them have been very successful said Grizzlies general manager Tony Funderburg.

  1. Best In Nurse Blogs: Back To School, Glazed Doughnut Burger Edition! | The Millionaire Nurse Blog

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